
The Escape Vol. 39
The Escape Vol. 39 is a fully thawed-out mix of stories to inspire, get hyped about, and share amongst friends… A season full to the brim with off-grid adventure.
The Escape Vol. 39
The Escape Vol. 39 is a fully thawed-out mix of stories to inspire, get hyped about, and share am...

Trees, Trails & Tortillas: Deep In The PNW ’24
Postcards from the Pacific Northwest. Following trails with a little two-step, a loose route and steady rhythm drummed up by local speedsters, Geneva Mayall and David Matoba.
Trees, Trails & Tortillas: Deep In The PNW ’24
Postcards from the Pacific Northwest. Following trails with a little two-step, a loose route and ...

Basecamp & Beyond: Karolina Pakenaite
Meet good friend and constant inspiration Karolina Pakenaite, a deafblind adventure seeker with quite a story to tell. We first clocked Karolina in one of our Sherpa Fleeces at Everest...
Basecamp & Beyond: Karolina Pakenaite
Meet good friend and constant inspiration Karolina Pakenaite, a deafblind adventure seeker with q...

Below The Surface: Our Seaweed Collection
Introducing the Passenger Seaweed Collection. We snorkelled up, dunked our heads under, took a look around and drafted out a few pieces with the land and sea in mind.
Below The Surface: Our Seaweed Collection
Introducing the Passenger Seaweed Collection. We snorkelled up, dunked our heads under, took a lo...

One Million Trees Planted
Since the beginning, we’ve planted a tree with every order. It’s at the core of what we do, what we stand for and is our way of helping protect the...
One Million Trees Planted
Since the beginning, we’ve planted a tree with every order. It’s at the core of what we do, what ...

Waymarked Wonderings: Hiking Essentials Checklist
Expect tips and tricks from Passenger crew members, trail ramblings from fellow roamers, and a rough hiking checklist to keep handy.
Waymarked Wonderings: Hiking Essentials Checklist
Expect tips and tricks from Passenger crew members, trail ramblings from fellow roamers, and a ro...

Made To Roam: What To Wear Backpacking
In this backpacking guide, we’ll talk all things layering, why some materials are more suited to certain hiking trails, and how to get the most out of your gear.
Made To Roam: What To Wear Backpacking
In this backpacking guide, we’ll talk all things layering, why some materials are more suited to ...

Made To Roam: A Beginner’s Guide To Backpacking
Let’s get into a little more on where to go, what to pack, and why it’s best to be a little over-prepared for your next backpacking trip.
Made To Roam: A Beginner’s Guide To Backpacking
Let’s get into a little more on where to go, what to pack, and why it’s best to be a little over-...

Layers of Escapism: Our Active Outdoor Range
We’re not here to tell you how to escape the 9 - 5 noise, but we can help to supply the active outdoor gear to get you out of there....
Layers of Escapism: Our Active Outdoor Range
We’re not here to tell you how to escape the 9 - 5 noise, but we can help to supply the active ou...

Passenger X Fried Cactus: A Graphics Story
Aron Leah's style is unique and playful, and packed with story. For Passenger's Spring '24 collection, we set him the challenge to create some unique artwork for a new line...
Passenger X Fried Cactus: A Graphics Story
Aron Leah's style is unique and playful, and packed with story. For Passenger's Spring '24 collec...

Win a Passenger & Dometic Bundle Worth £5,000
To celebrate our partnership with mobile livin’ legends Dometic, we’re giving our community the chance to win an escapism bundle worth over £5,000.
Win a Passenger & Dometic Bundle Worth £5,000
To celebrate our partnership with mobile livin’ legends Dometic, we’re giving our community the c...