We rounded up your most loved shots of 2022. Packed with epic vistas, alt. living and moments of escapism.
In between the eggnogs and Muppet Christmas Carol reruns we delved into some stats to pull out your most loved escapism posts of 2022. No surprises here, you guys have great taste. Be prepared for a nice kick of escapism inspiration...

Photographer: @outwithbecs
Coming up 10th as our most loved #MyEscapism shot in 2022 is this little winter wonderland. Taken just at the start of a cold snap in the UK, you guys resonated with that first-snow-of-the-season magic. If you close your eyes you can hear the silence of the snowy pines and the crunch of fresh powder underfoot…

Photographer: @somewherewilder
Some classic Passenger vibes right here. Epic vistas? Check. Rig loaded with essentials? Check. Doggo on lap? Check. The journey to peaks is always worth it, we imagine this moment was followed by some tasty nourishment cooked up and enjoyed taking in the view.

Photographer: @samrogerss
There’s all kinds of photography reasons why this is a grat snap (symmetry anyone?) But there’s just something about that late Summer light moments before the sun dips behind the horizon. It may be cold as heck outside right now, but this one gave us pangs of hazy days to come in 2023.

Photographer: @zionecocabins
As far as setups go, a cosy double bed in a mini A-Frame cabin with fire pits, BBQs and views over the red rocks of Utah is right up there. After a long hard day of kicking-back, recharging and soaking up downtime, just imagine how bright the stars would be out there?

Photographer: @samhoracsek
Harking back to high-summer ‘22, not much says out-of-office like leaping into some stunning freshwater spots while dinner grills on the coals. You know the sounds we make after getting into cold water? Here’s your sign to do more things in 2023 that make you shout / laugh / swear with joy.

Photographer: @hallvardkolltveit
“We’ve arrived” pics are some of our faves too. Getting out of the van, checking the kit, grabbing a snack, taking in the view and breathing in what’s to come. Add stunning Lofoten backdrops plus a bit of swell and you’ve got a shot that takes you there.

Photographer: @manuel.gros
Are we coming or are we going? Are we checking-in or checking-out? Easy to get philosophical about this one, but one thing’s for sure this shot is an ‘inbetweeny’ moment of salt water escapism captured beautifully, and you guys thought so too.

Photographer: @katcraats
Anyone else do exactly this when asked to smile for a pic? It’s hard to hide your excitement when you find yourself in places as special as these. The backdrop is a worldie, but Kat’s smile here is infectious. Here’s to finding reasons to smile this hard in 2023.

Photographer: @clarkfarmsilos
We call it alt. living and we’re a bit obsessed with it at Passenger. For us, not much in the world beats going and living simply, slowly, somewhere wild. Vanlife, cabinlife, boatlife, camplife 100% but silolife is a new one and we’re here for it. These ex grain silos in the heart of wild Montana are something else…

Photographer: @katcraats
Here we have it, your most loved #MyEscapism pic of 2022 and it’s an absolute classic moment of adventure inspiration. This kind of shot is a great way to start the day, just stare into it, pop some indie folk on and soak up the wonder. All we need is an inspirational quote at the top and we’re cooking with gas. “Adventure is calling…” or “why did I leave my sunnies on?” We love it, so did you, here’s to more moments of escapism like this.